Lewes District Council Audit and Governance Committee - Tuesday 25 February 2025, 5:00pm - Lewes and Eastbourne Councils Webcasting
Lewes District Council Audit and Governance Committee
Tuesday, 25th February 2025 at 5:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Minutes
Agenda item :
3 Declarations of interest
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Agenda item :
4 Urgent items
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Agenda item :
5 Written questions from councillors
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Agenda item :
6 External Audit update
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Deputy Chief Finance Officer
Cllr Gauntlett
Deputy Chief Finance Officer
Cllr Gauntlett
Deputy Chief Finance Officer
Cllr Gauntlett
Deputy Chief Finance Officer
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Keene
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Keene
Deputy Chief Finance Officer
Cllr Gauntlett
External Auditor 2
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Deputy Chief Finance Officer
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gallagher
Deputy Chief Finance Officer
Cllr Keenan
Deputy Chief Finance Officer
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Keene
External Auditor 2
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Keene
Cllr Gauntlett
Agenda item :
7 Grant Thornton Annual Auditor's report on Lewes District Council 2023-24
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Cllr Gauntlett
Deputy Chief Finance Officer
External Auditor 2
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Cllr Gauntlett
Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Cllr Gauntlett
Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Keene
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
External Auditor 2
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Brett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Cllr Gauntlett
External Auditor 2
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Keene
Cllr Gauntlett
Chief Internal Auditor
Agenda item :
8 Treasury Management 2024/25 Q3
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Cllr Gauntlett
Head of Financial Reporting
Cllr Gauntlett
Head of Financial Reporting
Cllr Keene
Cllr Gauntlett
Deputy Chief Finance Officer
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Deputy Chief Finance Officer
Head of Financial Reporting
Cllr Gauntlett
Chief Internal Auditor
Agenda item :
9 Draft Internal Audit Plan for 2025/26
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Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Brett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Keene
Cllr Gauntlett
Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Gauntlett
Agenda item :
10 Internal Audit and Counter Fraud report for the first three quarters of the financial year 2024-2025 - 1st April 2024 to 31st December 2024
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- Internal Audit and Counter Fraud report for the first three quarters of the financial year 2024-2025
- Appendix A - List of reports issued during the year
- Appendix B - Position of Audits requiring follow up
- Appendix C (i) - Outstanding recommendations from operational audit review
- Appendix C (ii) - Outstanding recommendations from annual reviews
- Appendix C (iii) - Recommendations made by External Auditors
- Appendix D - Counter Fraud savings
Cllr Gauntlett
Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Gauntlett
Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Gallagher
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Keene
Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Gauntlett
Agenda item :
11 Strategic Risk Register quarterly review
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Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Gauntlett
Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Keene
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Keene
Cllr Gauntlett
Chief Internal Auditor
Cllr Keene
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Cllr Gauntlett
Agenda item :
12 Date of next meeting
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Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- External Audit update, opens in new tab
- Grant Thornton Annual Auditor's report on Lewes District Council 2023-24, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Grant Thornton Annual Auditor's report on Lewes District Council 2023-24, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management 2024/25 Q3, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - MUFG Economic update, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - LDC Capital Programme 2024-25, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Liability Benchmark, opens in new tab
- Appendix D - Glossary of Terms, opens in new tab
- Draft Internal Audit Plan for 2025/26, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Calculation of audit resources for the Draft Plan, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - Draft Internal Audit Plan for 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- Appendix C - Mapping Plan to Corporate Plan and Strategic Risk Register, opens in new tab
- Internal Audit and Counter Fraud report for the first three quarters of the financial year 2024-2025, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - List of reports issued during the year, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - Position of Audits requiring follow up, opens in new tab
- Appendix C (i) - Outstanding recommendations from operational audit review, opens in new tab
- Appendix C (ii) - Outstanding recommendations from annual reviews, opens in new tab
- Appendix C (iii) - Recommendations made by External Auditors, opens in new tab
- Appendix D - Counter Fraud savings, opens in new tab
- Strategic Risk Register quarterly review, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Strategic Risk Register, opens in new tab