Lewes District Council Cabinet - Thursday 6 February 2025, 2:30pm - Lewes and Eastbourne Councils Webcasting
Lewes District Council Cabinet
Thursday, 6th February 2025 at 2:30pm
Meeting Documents
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2024
Agenda item :
2 Apologies for absence
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Head of Democratic Services
Cllr Nicholson
Agenda item :
3 Declarations of interest
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Cllr Denis
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Maples
Cllr Nicholson
Agenda item :
8 Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation
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Cllr Brett
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Denis
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr O'Connor
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Robinson
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Slater
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr O'Brien
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Maples
Cllr Nicholson
Chief Executive
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Nicholson
Agenda item :
9 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme
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- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 1
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 2
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 3
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 4
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 5
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 6
Cllr Nicholson
Dir. Finance & Planning
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Brett
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Brett
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Denis
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr O'Brien
Cllr Nicholson
Agenda item :
11 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29
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- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29 - Appendix 1
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29 - Appendix 2
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29 - Appendix 3
Agenda item :
10 Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025/26
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- Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025/26
- Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025/26 - Appendix A
- Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025/26 - Appendix B
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Brett
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Nicholson
Agenda item :
12 Allocations Policy - Review of the Choice Based Lettings Model
Agenda item :
11 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29
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- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29 - Appendix 1
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29 - Appendix 2
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29 - Appendix 3
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Brett
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Brett
Cllr Slater
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Slater
Public Speaker
Cllr Nicholson
Agenda item :
12 Allocations Policy - Review of the Choice Based Lettings Model
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Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Slater
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Brett
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Gauntlett
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Robinson
Cllr Nicholson
Public Speaker
Cllr Nicholson
Agenda item :
13 Local Development Scheme (January 2025)
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Cllr O'Connor
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Brett
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr O'Brien
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Maples
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr O'Connor
Cllr Nicholson
Cllr Nicholson
Webcast Finished
- FULL CABINET AGENDA - 6 FEBRUARY 2025, opens in new tab
- Agenda Supplement - Recommendations from PPAC, opens in new tab
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- 080 Devolution and Local Government Organisation, opens in new tab
- Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme, opens in new tab
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 2, opens in new tab
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 3, opens in new tab
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 4, opens in new tab
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 5, opens in new tab
- General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 6, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025/26, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025/26 - Appendix A, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025/26 - Appendix B, opens in new tab
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29, opens in new tab
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29 - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29 - Appendix 2, opens in new tab
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29 - Appendix 3, opens in new tab
- Allocations Policy - Review of the Choice Based Lettings Model, opens in new tab
- Allocations Policy - Review of the Choice Based Lettings Model - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- Allocations Policy - Review of the Choice Based Lettings Model - Appendix 2, opens in new tab
- Local Development Scheme (January 2025), opens in new tab
- Local Development Scheme (January 2025) - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
Download the Full Cabinet Agenda and the Agenda Supplement (Recommendations from the Policy and Performance Committee held on 30 January 2025).