Lewes District Council Policy and Performance Advisory Committee - Thursday 30 January 2025, 5:00pm - Lewes and Eastbourne Councils Webcasting
Lewes District Council Policy and Performance Advisory Committee
Thursday, 30th January 2025 at 5:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Brett
Committee Officer
Cllr Brett
Cllr Davies
Cllr Brett
Cllr Davies
Cllr Brett
Cllr Baah
Agenda item :
1 Minutes of the previous meeting dated 26 November 2024
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Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
4 Urgent Items
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Agenda item :
5 Written Questions from Councillors
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Agenda item :
PERFORMANCE REVIEW - Updates and Reports from the Policy and Performance Advisory Committee Work Programme
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Agenda item :
9 e) Allocations Policy - Review of the Choice Based Lettings Model
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Cllr Baah
Cllr Brett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Cllr Brett
Cllr Clarkson
Cllr Brett
Cllr Fabry
Cllr Brett
Planning Officer
Agenda item :
9 f) Local Development Scheme (January 2025)
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Cllr Brett
Planning Officer
Cllr Brett
Cllr Baah
Planning Officer
Cllr Brett
Cllr Brett
Agenda item :
6 Presentation on Community Speedwatch
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Committee Officer
Cllr Brett
Cllr Keenan
Cllr Brett
Cllr Mellor
Cllr Brett
Cllr Mellor
Cllr Cohen
Cllr Brett
Cllr Cohen
Cllr Brett
Cllr Baah
Committee Officer
Cllr Brett
Cllr Cohen
Committee Officer
Cllr Brett
Cllr Brett
Cllr Brett
Committee Officer
Agenda item :
7 Update on new playground schemes in Lewes District
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Cllr Brett
Cllr Cohen
Cllr Brett
Cllr Baah
Cllr Brett
Cllr Clews
Cllr Brett
Cllr Clarkson
Cllr Brett
Cllr Cohen
Cllr Brett
Agenda item :
8 Update on the Council's Website
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Cllr Brett
Cllr Brett
Cllr Brett
Head of Business Planning Infrst
Agenda item :
9 a) Devolution and Government Reorganisation - to follow
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Cllr Brett
Cllr Cohen
Head of Business Planning Infrst
Cllr Brett
Cllr Brett
Cllr Brett
Agenda item :
9 b) General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26, Capital Programme
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- 090 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme
- 091 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 1 - MTFS v2
- 092 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 2 - Directorate Summary
- 093 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 3 - Growth
- 094 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 4 - Capital Summary
- 095 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 5 - Reserves
- 096 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 6 - Fees and Charges
Cllr Brett
Cllr Brett
Cllr Baah
Cllr Brett
Cllr Cohen
Cllr Cohen
Cllr Brett
Cllr Cohen
Cllr Brett
Cllr Brett
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Cllr Stewart-Roberts
Cllr Brett
Cllr Cohen
Cllr Brett
Agenda item :
9 c) Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025/26
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- 100 Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators 2025-26, Capital Strategy and Investment Strategy
- 101 Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025-26 - Appendix A
- 102 Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025-26 - Appendix B
Officer 1
Cllr Brett
Agenda item :
9 d) Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Rent Setting 2025/26 and HRA Capital Programme 2024-29
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- 110 Lewes Housing Revenue Account Budget and Rent Setting 2025-26
- 111 Lewes Housing Revenue Account Budget and Rent Setting 2025-26 - Appendix 1 - FINAL
- 112 Lewes Housing Revenue Account Budget and Rent Setting 2025-26 - Appendix 2 - FINAL
- 113 Lewes Housing Revenue Account Budget and Rent Setting 2025-26 - Appendix 3 - FINAL
Cllr Brett
Committee Officer
Cllr Keenan
Cllr Brett
Cllr Brett
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Policy and Performance Advisory Committee - Requested reports to the Cabinet v2, opens in new tab
- 081 Devolution and Local Government Organisation - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- 080 Devolution and Local Government Organisation, opens in new tab
- 090 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme, opens in new tab
- 091 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 1 - MTFS v2, opens in new tab
- 092 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 2 - Directorate Summary, opens in new tab
- 093 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 3 - Growth, opens in new tab
- 094 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 4 - Capital Summary, opens in new tab
- 095 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 5 - Reserves, opens in new tab
- 096 General Fund Revenue Budget 2025-26 and Capital Programme - Appendix 6 - Fees and Charges, opens in new tab
- 100 Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators 2025-26, Capital Strategy and Investment Strategy, opens in new tab
- 101 Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025-26 - Appendix A, opens in new tab
- 102 Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2025-26 - Appendix B, opens in new tab
- 110 Lewes Housing Revenue Account Budget and Rent Setting 2025-26, opens in new tab
- 111 Lewes Housing Revenue Account Budget and Rent Setting 2025-26 - Appendix 1 - FINAL, opens in new tab
- 112 Lewes Housing Revenue Account Budget and Rent Setting 2025-26 - Appendix 2 - FINAL, opens in new tab
- 113 Lewes Housing Revenue Account Budget and Rent Setting 2025-26 - Appendix 3 - FINAL, opens in new tab
- 120 Allocations Policy - Review of the Choice Based Lettings Model, opens in new tab
- 121 Allocations Policy - Review of the Choice Based Lettings Model - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- 122 Allocations Policy - Review of the Choice Based Lettings Model - Appendix 2, opens in new tab
- 130 Lewes Local Development Scheme, opens in new tab
- 131 Lewes Local Development Scheme - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- Forward plan of Cabinet decisions - January, opens in new tab
- Policy and Performance Advisory Committee Work Programme January 2025, opens in new tab