Eastbourne Borough Council Scrutiny Committee - Monday 16 September 2024, 6:00pm - Lewes and Eastbourne Councils Webcasting
Eastbourne Borough Council Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 16th September 2024 at 6:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Committee Officer
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ewbank
Councillor Shore
Officer 1
Councillor Shore
Officer 2
Agenda item :
7 Review of the Council's grounds maintenance contract - verbal update
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Officer 1
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Officer 1
Councillor Ewbank
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ewbank
Officer 2
Councillor Ewbank
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Councillor Goodyear
Officer 1
Councillor Goodyear
Councillor Shore
Councillor Lamb
Officer 1
Councillor Shore
Councillor Lamb
Councillor Shore
Officer 1
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ballard
Officer 1
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Committee Officer
Committee Officer
Councillor Shore
Committee Officer
Agenda item :
8 Byelaws task and finish group - terms of reference
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Officer 1
Committee Officer
Councillor Shore
Committee Officer
Councillor Lamb
Committee Officer
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ewbank
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Lamb
Councillor Goodyear
Councillor Shore
Officer 1
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Officer 1
Councillor Shore
Councillor Lamb
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ballard
Councillor Shore
Officer 1
Councillor Shore
Councillor Lamb
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Committee Officer
Councillor Shore
Agenda item :
7 Review of the Council's grounds maintenance contract - verbal update
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Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ballard
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Dehdashty
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Dehdashty
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ballard
Officer 1
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Officer 1
Councillor Shore
Councillor Goodyear
Councillor Shore
Officer 1
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ewbank
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Agenda item :
9 Supporting Authority Approval for the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) currently being prepared by the Responsible Authority, East Sussex County Council
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Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Goodyear
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ballard
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Lamb
Councillor Lamb
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Agenda item :
10 Corporate performance - quarter 1 - 2024/25
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Councillor Shore
Councillor Ewbank
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ewbank
Councillor Ewbank
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Dehdashty
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Councillor Dehdashty
Officer 2
Councillor Dehdashty
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Councillor Dehdashty
Councillor Shore
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ewbank
Councillor Shore
Councillor Lamb
Officer 2
Officer 1
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ballard
Officer 2
Councillor Ballard
Councillor Dehdashty
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Committee Officer
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Agenda item :
11 Finance update - performance quarter 1 - 2024-2025
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Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Dehdashty
Councillor Dehdashty
Councillor Dehdashty
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Councillor Shore
Officer 2
Agenda item :
12 Stability and Growth Programme
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Councillor Shore
Councillor Lamb
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ballard
Officer 2
Councillor Ballard
Officer 2
Councillor Ballard
Councillor Shore
Councillor Goodyear
Councillor Shore
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Councillor Lamb
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Officer 2
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ballard
Councillor Shore
Councillor Ballard
Councillor Shore
Committee Officer
Councillor Shore
Committee Officer
Councillor Shore
Committee Officer
Councillor Shore
Committee Officer
Councillor Shore
Committee Officer
Councillor Shore
Councillor Dehdashty
Councillor Shore
Councillor Dehdashty
Councillor Shore
Agenda item :
15 Date of the next meeting
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Committee Officer
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Byelaws TOR for Scrutiny Task and Finish Group, opens in new tab
- 070 Local Nature Recovery Strategy, opens in new tab
- 080 Corporate performance - quarter 1 - 2024-25, opens in new tab
- 081 Corporate performance - quarter 1 - 2024-25 - Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- 090 Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn 2024-25 Q1, opens in new tab
- 091 Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn 2024-25 Q1 - Appendix 1 - EBC Capital Monitoring Q1 2024-25, opens in new tab
- 092 Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn 2024-25 Q1 - Appendix 2 - Glossary, opens in new tab
- 100 Stability and Growth (003), opens in new tab
- 101 Stability and Growth - Appendix 1 - EBC Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy 2024-2026, opens in new tab
- 102 Stability and Growth - Appendix 2 - Savings to be delivered through the service reductionsSep 24, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 - Have your say on council savings proposals, opens in new tab
- Forward plan of Cabinet decisions - September 2024, opens in new tab
- Eastbourne Scrutiny Committee work programme September 2024, opens in new tab