Eastbourne Borough Council Cabinet - Wednesday 12 June 2024, 6:00pm - Lewes and Eastbourne Councils Webcasting
Eastbourne Borough Council Cabinet
Wednesday, 12th June 2024 at 6:00pm
Agenda item :
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Councillor Holt (Leader)
Agenda item :
7 Social Housing Regulation Update
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Councillor Diplock
Councillor Holt (Leader)
Councillor Diplock
Councillor Holt (Leader)
Councillor Holt (Leader)
Agenda item :
8 Sustainable Procurement Policy
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Councillor Holt (Leader)
Councillor Holt (Leader)
Councillor Holt (Leader)
Councillor Holt (Leader)
Councillor Butcher
Councillor Holt (Leader)
Councillor Holt (Leader)
Councillor Butcher
Councillor Holt (Leader)
Councillor Murray
Councillor Holt (Leader)
Webcast Finished